It can be great to have the flexibility to simply hitch a trailer or RV up to your vehicle and take off. However, it’s not always quite as simple as that. If you’re towing something heavy, consider investing in brake controllers or a sway control system to help manage the weight distribution. Having a trailer sway control system can help reduce the likelihood of accidents and make it a more pleasant ride for the driver any any passengers in the towing vehicle. Safety is one of the most important things if you’re towing anything behind you — whether it’s a moving compartment, an RV, a trailer, or anything else! Not having the proper trailer sway control, for example, could be disastrous on the highway or a small road if the weight distribution swings a certain way. Getting the proper trailer sway control or even an electric brake controller is the responsible thing to do.
Why Does Weight Distribution Matter?
If you’ve attached whatever you’re towing to the rear-mounted hitch, as is common, the weight is going to fall on the rear of your vehicle, which could cause it to dip down, thereby raising your front end. This puts a lot of pressure and weight on the rear end of your vehicle — not just from what you’re towing, but also from your tow vehicle. If you have less weight in the front, you could have complications with steering, traction, and being able to brake. The trailer sway will also be increased and you might even have a tougher time seeing the road, because of the newly awkward angle your vehicle has been put at. Luckily, there’s an easy fix. A spring bar is an easy way to add leverage to both sides of your system, pushing the weight to all axles in what you’re towing and your vehicle, instead of concentrating it in the back end. This lets you tow at maximum capacity and will straighten out the issues mentioned above.
Does Everyone Need a Weight Distribution System?
If you’re towing something lighter, you probably don’t need to get a weight distribution system, but you should think about it if the weight of your trailer or whatever you’re towing is over 50% of what your vehicle weighs or if you want to tow at maximum capacity. Some people don’t even realize they need a weight distribution system until they start towing and see that their rear end is bogged down with the trailer’s weight, they start having trailer sway, or it becomes hard to steer or brake. These are all tell-tale signs that you should invest in one. The other thing to keep in mind is the fact that your hitch has to be weight distribution rated. If there’s no weight rating label on the hitch, you can’t use the weight distribution system and may want to consider purchasing another hitch.
How Does Trailer Sway Control Factor Into All This?
Trailer sway is one of the tell-tale signs of needing a weight distribution system, although it can be caused by other factors too (like crosswinds or not loading the trailer or towing system correctly). A weight distribution system, like discussed, may help reduce trailer sway, but it won’t help if the trailer or RV is being influenced by crosswinds.
Luckily, sway-control devices are available to attach to most weight distribution systems, and in some cases, it already comes with the system, since the problem is so common and its use is so important. Additionally, you can get a device that either helps limit the sway once you’ve started to notice it and one that helps prevent it in the first place, so depending on where you’re at with towing, you can use either. It’s just one more way to increase safety when you’re towing!
Attaching something to your vehicle can be intimidating on its own, especially if you’re not used to towing things behind you or it’s your first time. Getting weight distribution and sway control systems can help make the experience safer for everyone and improve the ride for not only you, but any passengers as well.