Though winter is behind us for the most part, it’s never too early to begin preparations for next winter, and the snow that will eventually fall, especially for those living in areas of the country that average heavy snow falls each winter. Areas like Anchorage, Alaska, Denver, Colorado, and Salt Lake City, Utah, have record highs on the books of more than eight feet of snow in a given winter season. Areas like these need to be especially prepared to combat the snowfall. A big way they can prepare is by working with snow pusher manufacturers to make sure that areas of town, like airports and parking lots, are equipped to remove snow in a reasonable amount of time so as not to disrupt the flow of traffic.
Preparing for heavy snowfall by ensuring that cities are equipped with the proper equipment is an investment, though. We only have to look at Canada, who spends nearly $1 billion a year, as an example of how pricey it can be to equip cities with snow removal equipment. In the past, U.S. cities, like New York, spent about $130.7 million on snow removal in 2014.
The investment is worth it, though. For safety reason alone, snow removal helps to keep accidents at bay that might be caused by dangerous driving conditions due to snow covered roads. This has a trickle down effect of saving money in the long run. Less accidents means less insurance claims being filed and less medical bills being issued. It’s also wise to keep roads clear of snow because snow and ice can actually end up damaging roads and can contribute to the rise of potholes. Fixing roads isn’t cheap, so it’s wise to take every precaution to prevent damage to roads. Winter is harsh on roads, but by working with snow pusher manufacturers, it doesn’t have to be so damaging.
So what’s the difference between snow pushers and snow plows? It’s simple. Unlike plows that only push snow off to the side into yards and other inconvenient places, snow pushers actually relocate snow to a designated area. They’re often used to clear large areas, like parking lots, tarmacs, and other areas averaging more than one acre. There are a couple different kinds of snow pushers, too, like the angled snow pusher, bobcat snow pusher, and the compact tractor snow pusher.
The real perk to a snow pusher over a snow plow is that they’re not only useful in removing snow, but can also move other materials, like mud, manure, trash, grain, silage, and sludge. This means that snow pusher manufacturers can cater to customers outside of the winter months as well, and it means that the demand for snow pushers is greater than the traditional snow plow.
So whether you’re looking to stock up on snow pushers for the next winter season, or think a snow pusher would come in handy when moving trash or manure around, now is the perfect time to contact snow pusher manufacturers to buy your very own snow pusher today!