As the new tenants are getting settled into their new homes, the leasing company seems to be doing little more than putting out fires. From loose hose clamps on dishwasher to no hose clamp or hose at all on at least one washing machine, the emergency maintenance crew is boing kept more than busy with the move in of the first 60 renters. Already opening more than six weeks later than initially promised, the emergency team wishes that a few missing hose clamps were the only problems they are hearing about.
Unfortunately, since as much as 80% of the property is still a construction site, there have been problems with homeless folks from the surrounding neighborhoods. Looking for little more than shelter from the rain, it is no wonder that these people are finding their way into the building and sometimes into empty units. With only being open for a little more than a week, few of the promised security measures are in place. Stairwells that provide easy access to long hallways of vacant and empty apartments are prime target for all kinds of activity, From harmless homeless men, women, and sometimes enter families, to drug dealers looking for a place to crash or meet customers, the building has become a major security risk.
The leasing company recently sent an email to residents indicating that they are working with a local security company to more closely monitor the property. Staff maintenance workers who are trying to solve problems with stainless steel clamps are not exactly trained in securing these areas, so the leasing company is increasing their efforts to protect both their tenants, the property, and their workers. Everyone is encouraged to contact the security company’s dispatch department directly for any non-emergency assistance. The security company will also be conducting hourly inspections of every floor from one end of the property to the other. These workers are in a security uniforms with black hats. They will be onsite from 6:00 pm until 6:00am daily and can be found between the breezeway next to the ramp on the first level when they are not conducting walkabouts. In emergency situations, of course, residents are instructed to call the police. Finding someone who is unfamiliar in the hallway, in the minds of many tenants and their parents is worthy of an emergency phone call.
The leasing company hopes soon the only problems will be at the level of maintenance work in units requiring stainless hose clamps and other small repairs. For now, however, this is the procedure.
Opening a New Building Requires Attention to Many Details
If finding the right hose clamps were the only detail that new building managers had to deal with this world would be a much simpler place. Unfortunately, there are more and bigger problems that most building maintenance crews and owners need to get completed. From electrical and plumbing inspections to elevator inspections, there are many times when it is important to stay on top of dozens of details at once if you are going to get open on time.
Security, of course, is always a major factor. While hose clamps are manufactured to ensure a tight seal between a hose and barb, there are many more equally important seals that need to occur if a building is going to be safe for residents and employees. Locking doors to all interior and exterior stairwells is essential, especially at a time when there are so many people looking for a place to shelter.
With keyed or carded entires, there are many ways that a leasing company can make their newest tenants feel safe and secure. Knowing that you are living in a space where hallway doors are left unlocked, however, is not a situation that allows residents to sleep comfortably at night. Even when the unit door to the hallway is locked and individual room doors are locked, there is still the fear of someone lurking in a dark hallway when you leave your apartment.
From hose clamps to electrical and plumbing work to security issues, there are many important details that must be addressed before tenants, both residential and commercial, are allowed in a building.
When Was the Last Time You Had to Wait for a Building to Open to Move In?