What Really Happens When You Have A Garage Door Installation In Maryland

Garage doors are heavy and complicated that is why most people hire garage door installation services. However, for DIY enthusiasts, you can save some money and have fun doing the job. Here’s a quick rundown on how to assemble and hang a new garage door.

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Garage Door Installation

Attach weather-stripping. Door weather stripping can help eliminate drafts and keep your monthly heating and cooling costs in check. It’s fairly simple to learn how to weatherstrip a door, and you’ll almost certainly find weather-stripping to be a relatively quick and easy process. Prepare the area, take precise measurements, cut the weather-stripping, and then install it.

Screw cable brackets to the door to keep the weather-stripping in place. Attach the top half of each hinge to the panel above it, then insert the wheeled axles into the side hinges and install the top and bottom axle supports. Install the track next, making sure the wheels are properly aligned in the track to ensure proper functionality. Finally, connect the door cable to the bottom hook on the panel axle support, and then attach the bottom bracket to the wall.

Attach the horizontal and vertical tracks to the door, then bolt the tracks together. Connect the spring anchors to the springs, then secure the two springs to the header bracket with the spring locking cone. Attach the cable to the pulley wheel.


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