The U.S. trucking industry is vital to America’s economy. Not only is it responsible for shipping products and goods across the country, but it’s also responsible for employing a good number of employees all over the U.S. And it’s not just truck driver jobs that are often available, but also transportation sales jobs, management jobs, and office jobs. Some of the driving jobs are regional trucking jobs and short haul driving positions, while others are longer term, and require covering a larger part of the country.
So for those wondering how to become a truck driver, now is a great time to look into it, because it’s estimated that the trucking industry will account for about 43% of growth in logistics jobs in the near future. On top of that, heavy and tractor-trailor truck driving jobs are estimated to grow by 5 percent by 2024! Plainly stated, the industry is growing. Already the industry is responsible for employing about 8.9 million people! So again, for those interested in learning how to become a truck driver, now is the right time to find out!
Many trucking companies are full service logistic companies that provide freight management services throughout the U.S. Many also offer web based LTL platforms designed to help reduce costs and increase productivity for shippers. These shipping companies exist all over the U.S., and are vital to the U.S. economy because they’re responsible for delivering about 70% of freight transported each year, translating to about $671 billion in manufactured and retail goods being transported by trucks in the U.S.
There are about 15.5 million trucks operating in the U.S., with 2 million of those being tractor trailers. With so many trucks on the road, it’s no wonder that the U.S. trucking industry is doing very well. Each year, the trucks run through about 54 gallons of fuel each year, and in 2006 alone the industry logged more than 432 billion miles! Of those miles, about 139.3 were logged by Class 8 trucks. Each individual driver is typically responsible for logging at least 125,000 miles per year. And it’s important that they do so, because they’re transported important goods throughout the U.S. that many people rely on, like clothing, food, furniture, electrical, and machinery equipment and goods.
There are many industries in the U.S., but few are quite as depended on as the trucking industry. And with growth projected for the foreseeable future, now is a great time to get involved in the industry. Wondering how to become a truck driver? Looking for a new career? Apply today!