Used Subaru dealers sell a variety of cars but Subaru’s are their specialty. If you are in the market for a used Subaru for sale then used Subaru dealers are the perfect place for you to go. You can browse a Subaru used inventory for a used car or even lease a new or used car from used Subaru dealers. Local Subaru dealers are also used Subaru dealers and they are a Japan based automaker whose most recent cars are practical and fun to drive. Used Subaru dealers can also sell a variety of other brands as well if you are looking for a general diversity of cars.
Subaru is the automobile manufacturing division of the Japanese transportation conglomerate Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI). FHI was first established in 1953 and the first Subaru was introduced in 1954. FHI is currently in a partnership with Toyota Motor Corporation. They own 16.5% of FHI. The Japanese name Subaru is named for the Pleiades star cluster, also known as “The Seven Sisters.” This eventually inspired the Subaru logo.
In 2012, they were the 22nd biggest automaker based on production worldwide. Subaru is known for its use of the boxer engine used in most of its automobiles. Subaru offers a turbocharged version of their passenger cars. One such car is the Impreza WRX. The first American Subaru plant was established in Philadelphia in 1968.
Subaru has implemented policies that include recycling and reducing harmful emissions. The Subaru plant in Lafayette, Indiana has become the first automobile assembly plant to achieve zero landfill status. This means that absolutely nothing from the manufacturing process goes into a landfill. Most of Subaru’s modern automobile products use recyclable materials throughout the vehicle, such as in the engine, suspension, transmission, and elsewhere in each vehicle. This leaves Subaru with a 97.3% recycling rate for their vehicles. Helpful sites.