White pick ups.
White minivan.
White crossover.
White sedan.
It is pretty obvious that your 84 year old father loves to drive white vehicles.
On one occasion he had red half size pick up; however, he bought that used from a friend and not off a lot. In fact, your father explains, ever since he has had the money to be able to buy a new or very low mileage vehicle off a car lot he has always selected white.
His logic is simple. They are easier to keep clean.
In a change of course, he made a small change to his latest white pick up. Without really thinking too much about it he simply stopped by an auto detailing shop and ask them how much it would cost to have them put the pin stripe on the side of his latest purchase. As he got to talking with the salesman he decided to add some vinyl car graphics that world little more obvious than a pinstripe, but nothing really that drastic.
He like the addition so well that the next week he made an appointment and have the same detail put on the white crossover that his wife drives. It was a small decision, made in a matter of moments, but this addition has actually saved him a lot of time. As your dad explains to anyone who will listen, there are a lot of white vehicles. When you’re on the interstate, walk into a parking lot, leaving a large event, the number of white vehicles can actually get a little confusing. Not so anymore. The vinyl car graphics really make his vehicles stand out. He still has the bright white paint that allows him to keep his car always clean and looking like new, but with the vinyl car graphics on the side he can spot his pick up or crossover in a second.
With a smile on his face, he explains that he does have one regret. That side graphic looks so great, he explains, that several weather of the guys in town or doing the same thing. My car doesn’t look quite as special as it did six months ago when I first made the decision to add a little something extra.
Vinyl Graphics Work Well on a Variety of Surfaces
From vinyl wraps for trucks to office wall murals, customization is a trend that many people are using. And while some people use these vinyl car graphics and other wraps for their personal use, others use them for the purpose of advertising. Did you know, for instance, that one vehicle wrap can generate as many as 30,000 to 70,000 impressions a day? Car wrap design companies, in fact, offer products that serve as traveling billboards that function 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Even parked on the side of a road, a custom vehicle wrap is gaining customer attention. Consider some of these other facts and statistics about the impact of vinyl wrap graphics:
- Custom Designed Vinyl graphics on vehicles reach vehicles on the road. Given that the average American has traveled 302 miles in the past seven days is an indicator of how often a vinyl graphic advertising wrap could impact its customers.
- 47% of consumers between the ages of 18 and 34 indicate that they found car wraps especially memorable.
- 48% of consumers who were polled indicate that they view car wraps as the most unique advertising medium available.
- $1,500 to $3,000 is the average investment of a typical vinyl wrap, including the wrap material itself as well as the professional installation.
- 61% of the targeted vinyl graphics population spends more than one hour a day on the road.
- 33% of the targeted vinyl graphics population spends more than two hours a day on the road.
- 64% of male respondents indicate that the design of their workplace has a direct effect on their working day.
- 73% of female respondents indicate that the design of their workplace has a direct effect on their working day.
- 17% of workers who spent their days in enriched spaces, those that are decorated with art or plants, indicate that they were more productive than those in lean spaces, those spaces without art or plants.