How often should you change your oil? Do you know when to change your tires? How long do car batteries and spark plugs last? Does premium gasoline really improve the performance of your car? These are all common questions that the average American automobile has been asking for decades. Yet, depending on who you ask, you will get several different answers.
While better quality gasoline can make a difference, spending 30 more cents per gallon for premium gasoline is not necessary. This is particularly true if you properly maintain your car, truck, or van. The same goes for automobile batteries and spark plugs;local auto repair services will let you know exactly what you need if you make do regular tune-ups each years. The best time for a tune-up is near the end of the autumn season, before the coming winter places the most demand on your motor vehicle.
When it comes to changing your oil or getting new tires, the rules of thumb are pretty simple. The owner’s manual that comes with your vehicle will provide you with a recommended maximum number of miles you should drive before going to an oil change service to replace your oil. The owner’s manuals that come with some newer cars claim that you can drive up to 10,000 miles before changing your oil, but you should probably do it far sooner than that.
Although you really don’t have to change your oil every 3,000 miles, you should probably do it at around 5,000 miles. This is because different car owners drive under different conditions, and it’s a good idea just for the sake safety and your peace of mind. After all, you don’t want to end up throwing a rod in the middle of the expressway during Friday afternoon rush hour!
Knowing when to change your tires can be a bit more complicated, but it really isn’t if you know how to use a tire depth gauge. Despite the fact that manufacturers of premium tires claim that their tires are guaranteed for 50,000 or more miles, you can really tell when to change your tires by evaluating their tread wear.
Typically, when a tread depth gauge shows that you have less than 4/32 of an inch of tread depth on your tires, you should probably begin shopping around for a new set. In most states, 2/32 of an inch is the minimum allowed by law. Any less than that you could get a ticket, or your vehicle will not pass inspection.
While most people take their cars to the shop to keep them legal and running, doing routine motor vehicle maintenance is also about safety. Even though we all want to get more miles out of our cars, isn’t safety really the most important thing?
More information like this: jbctire.com